New UK customs rules from 1 Jan 2022
From 1 January 2022, full customs controls will come into effect
From 1 January 2022, full customs controls will come into effect for all goods that are exported from the EU to Great Britain, or imported into the EU from Great Britain.
This means that from January 1st, all border points in Great Britain will start checking imported and exported goods. This will lead to inevitable delays as many goods will be cleared at the port or sent to an Inland Border Facility (IBF) for further checks.
In order to minimize delays and provide the most seamless process for our customers, Transmec will be using the Transit process to clear shipments to/from the UK. This provides the following advantages:
Goods can be cleared at Transmec’s own External Temporary Storage Facilities (ETSFs) based at our UK warehouses, thereby minimizing delays at border crossing. Shipments will arrive at the UK border point and be given permission to proceed to an ETSF.
Individual consignments can be cleared for onward delivery from the ETSF without having to wait for every item on a trailer to be cleared.
Any related storage costs to fulfil UK customs checks will be covered by Transmec as customs broker.
Transmec obtains the required Goods Movement Reference (GMR) using the UK Government’s GVMS system with minimal additional input from the EU customer.
Whilst Transit incurs more cost, which will consequently lead to a tariff adjustment from 01/22, we believe this is far outweighed by the benefits.
Additionally, please note that from 1 Jan 2022, all exports from EU to UK worth more than €6,000 will always need a REX Number quoted on the export invoice in order for the importer to qualify for zero/reduced rate of duty for EU manufactured goods. Without this, duty will be paid at the full rate, without exceptions. (More info to how to register here.)
Moreover, the commercial invoice must now show the individual country of origin rather than the EU code which is no longer valid and will be removed from the UK customs system.
If incorrect documentation is provided, we will be forced to charge back to the client the minimum cost of 50 € required to produce an amended entry, in addition to any storage costs.
