
World connected,
world protected

Kilometre after kilometre, towards a more sustainable future.

To build a world where environmental protection goes hand in hand with progress, we take action on a daily basis by innovating, investing, and adopting a proactive approach to change.


ESG Sostenibilità - Environment

Constantly-renewed fleet and training for drivers

Sustainability lies at the heart of Transmec Group's operations, demonstrated by the continual renewal of its fleet, currently comprised of Euro VI vehicles and 80% eco-friendly trailers. This enables us to reduce fuel consumption and emissions through the use of state-of-the-art technologies. Simultaneously, we invest in training for drivers for safe and environmentally-responsible driving.


Innovations in road transport

To reduce its environmental impact, the Group has expanded its fleet with ten next-generation trucks powered by natural gas, the most ecological fuel for internal combustion engines. Among the main advantages is a significant improvement in air quality and the mitigation of global warming, achieved through a substantial decrease in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions compared to an equivalent diesel engine. Another benefit is the drastic reduction in noise pollution, substantially contributing to improving the quality of life in urban areas.


Investments in intermodal transport

Since its origins, the Group has demonstrated a forward-thinking approach to intermodal transport. This strategic perspective has materialised through continuous investments over the years, culminating in 2016 with the inauguration of its own intermodal terminal in Romania. The Group has acquired not only terminal management but also ownership of trains and trailers, thus consolidating its presence along the entire logistics chain. The investment in rail transport has proven crucial in reducing the overall carbon footprint. The statistics speak for themselves: rail transport records a value of 0.05 kg of CO2/km compared to 0.75 kg of CO2/km for road transport, resulting in a saving of 0.70 kg of CO2/km.


Green logistics hubs in London and Campogalliano

In response to the growing requirements of customers, Transmec UK has recently relocated its headquarters to a modern 14,000 sqm hub in the prestigious London Gateway area, constructed to meet BREEAM criteria, the world's leading sustainability standard for construction, with an "outstanding" rating ensuring a 30% reduction in carbon during the construction phase and a 40% reduction in emissions during the full operational regime.

Similarly, the newly-constructed logistics area in Campogalliano, spanning approximately 50,000 sqm, fully complies with APEA (Ecologically Equipped Productive Areas) standards. The construction of the new buildings meticulously adheres to design criteria aimed at high energy efficiency and thermal inertia.


Photovoltaic system

2023 saw the installation of three self-consumption photovoltaic systems, one dedicated to each asset of the Campogalliano headquarters; a fundamental step in the Group's ecological transition. By harnessing solar energy, the company aims to autonomously generate clean and renewable energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Each system is equipped with 1076 photovoltaic modules capable of generating an annual energy yield of 617.37 MWh. The clean energy production of each system will contribute to a reduction in CO2 emissions of 4,146 tonnes after 20 years.

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ESG Sostenibilità - People

Gender equality

In the ecosystem of the transportation and logistics sector, traditionally characterised by a predominance of male figures, the Group’s Italian headquarters has achieved a significant milestone by achieving almost complete gender equality among all employees. Female presence in the company stands at 48% of the workforce.


Red bench against violence

As a tangible symbol of its commitment to fight violence against women and gender discrimination, in 2020 the Group installed a red anti-violence bench at the entrance of the Campogalliano headquarters. This initiative constitutes a visible sign and continues to testify to Transmec's strong commitment to a more aware and fair society.

The same year, as an integral part of a network of companies aimed at preventing and combating gender-based violence and discrimination within and outside the workplace, Transmec received the Libellula Award.



One of the cornerstones of the welfare programme is the annual bonus granted to all employees based on their job level and seniority. This approach recognizes individual contributions while simultaneously encouraging a corporate culture focused on meritocracy and skills enhancement. Transmec Group's commitment to the well-being of its employees extends beyond the economic dimension, promoting the physical and mental health of its employees through healthcare assistance programmes and psychophysical well-being partnerships with specialised medical facilities.



Recognising people as the beating heart of the company, the Group has fostered a corporate culture where continuous training is one of the fundamental pillars. This commitment stems from the awareness that the dynamic evolution of the transportation and logistics sector requires increasingly specialised and constantly updated skills. With the establishment of its own Academy in 2023, the Group took a decisive step. Conceived as a dynamic ecosystem, an environment of exchange, confrontation, and growth, employees can enhance their skills in a stimulating and collaborative context.


Community empowerment

With a committed vision towards community empowerment and support for emerging talent, the Group supports participants in various European sports such as basketball, rugby, cycling, Thai boxing, and gymnastics; a clear manifestation of the company's commitment to returning value to the societies in which it operates. Since its foundation, Transmec has been a promoter of essential social values such as solidarity and inclusion, and its active participation in various sports disciplines contributes to raising awareness on crucial issues such as equality, integration, and diversity.


ESG Sostenibilità - Governance

Quality system

Quality for Transmec Group primarily means safety and environmental responsibility. Constant focus is placed on safety in transportation and work, with targeted investments to ensure high standards. The Group holds prestigious certifications, including ISO 9001 for service quality, TAPA for transport management security, ISO 14001 for environmental commitment, and ISO 45001 for health and safety in the workplace. Additionally, ISAE 3402 certification attests to the adequacy of internal controls, demonstrating a cross-cutting commitment to quality and operational excellence.



Wisely balancing economic objectives with environmental ones, Transmec Group adopts a long-term perspective for its growth strategies and processes. One of these processes has been the digitisation programme. With 50% of shipments and 80% of logistics movements managed via EDI, the digitisation strategy has proven capable of reducing environmental impact and increasing operational efficiency.


Code of ethics

For several years, Transmec has firmly implemented a comprehensive code of ethics that clearly defines fundamental moral principles and establishes rules of conduct guiding every aspect of its business activities. This code, intrinsically linked to the corporate philosophy, represents a lasting commitment to integrity and responsibility, serving as a fundamental moral compass for all involved in the operational fabric.



Consolidating its commitment to transparency and corporate integrity, the Group has activated a whistleblowing platform, a dedicated channel specifically designed to promote an organisational environment characterised by clarity and ethics. In addition to being a key tool for reporting unethical or illegal behaviour, it plays a fundamental role in creating a corporate culture where open communication is encouraged and valued.