Transmec receives the 2019 Libellula award
Transmec Italy, together with all the companies that have joined the Libellula Project, has received a special award, a tangible sign of its commitment against violence and gender discrimination.
The pioneering Libellula Project is creating a network of companies that are determined to work together to prevent violence from finding space.
It regards companies as more than workplaces, seeing them as cultural centres where values and messages are transmitted, and it is precisely for this reason that its role as "communicator" becomes fundamental.
"We are proud to have received the Libellula 2019 award. We strongly support the Project and believe companies must be active parties for success,” says Franca Scagliarini, welfare manager of Transmec Italy.
“We thank our collaborators who, together with Transmec, are pushing for cultural change, taking part in questionnaires and events such as the Vertical Run in Milan.”
