
Transmec at the forefront of medical excellence

Transmec joins a group of business leaders in a donation of 420,000 euros for the purchase of a robotic surgical console for liver transplants.

The new robotic surgical console represents a significant investment in the safety of operations and the training of young surgeons. With a configuration similar to that of a driving school car, trainee surgeons operate alongside more experienced ones, ensuring complete control at every stage of the procedure. 

This advanced technology not only facilitates learning but also allows practitioners to enhance their skills through a simulator before actual interventions, contributing to the progress of healthcare and medical training.

The fundraising for the purchase, organised by the Modena Arts Foundation, began in December 2022 during a celebratory event to mark the Foundation's first anniversary.

Throughout 2023, local businesses, including Transmec’s headquarters at nearby Campogalliano, enthusiastically supported the project to the benefit of the Azienda Ospedaliera-Universitaria of Modena and the community.

Prof. Fabrizio Di Benedetto, head of Oncological, Hepatobiliopancreatic and Liver Transplant Surgery at the AOU emphasized: "In surgery, new technologies have increased the quality of care and surgical precision, reinforcing patient safety and improving short and long-term outcomes. 

“But often, the necessary technologies for training are lacking. The surgical console and robotic simulator precisely meet this need," highlighting how the synergy between the public and private sectors can lead to significant results in the field of health and medical education, further strengthening the excellence of local public healthcare.

Thanks to the Azienda Ospedaliera-Universitaria of Modena for the pictures. 

Transmec partecipa alla donazione consolle chirurgica robotica