
Rail – a reliable alternative for freight between Italy and Romania

At a time when truck capacity is at a premium, Transmec’s intermodal service provides a reliable alternative

At a time when truck capacity is at a premium, Transmec’s intermodal service provides a reliable alternative for transporting freight between Italy and Romania.

Scheduled services run twice per week in each direction, with the ability to increase capacity and frequency to meet growing demand.

  • Trains run between Transmec’s own private terminal at Oradea and Piacenza, with a fixed transit time of 40 hours

  • Collection and distribution services operate throughout Italy, Romania and neighbouring countries

  • Access to 800 owned Huckepack trailers and 150 owned swap bodies plus more than 2,500 45-feet containers

  • All trailers and containers are equipped with satellite alarm systems for constant traceability

  • Storage is available at Transmec’s secure warehouses.

Limited risk from COVID-19/coronavirus – the intermodal service involves minimal human contact compared to other forms of transport. 

Precautionary measures, as set out by governments and the World Health Organisation (WHO), are followed at every stage.

To find out more about the service, please contact our experienced intermodal team.


Trasporto intermodale tra l’Italia e la Romania - Transmec Group