
Libellula Award 2020 for Transmec

Transmec has reconfirmed itself as a company that promotes a cultural plan to prevent and combat violence against women and gender discrimination, receiving the Libellulla award for the second consecutive year.

Started in 2017 as a social responsibility initiative, the Libellula Project became a Foundation in 2020.

Transmec is part of an initial network of companies with the will to work together on what needs to be enhanced to prevent violence from finding space.

It’s recognised that a company, in addition to being a workplace, is also a meeting place where people spend most of their time.

A company is a container of humanity where culture is created and spread through the values, messages and models that are transmitted to others well beyond the walls of the company itself.

Transmec has recently installed a red bench at its main headquarters in Campogalliano as a tangible sign of its commitment.

Premio Libellula 2020 per Transmec