
Innovative approach rewards the loyalty of Transmec’s employees

Transmec Italia has introduced a new and innovative welfare plan for all its employees.

Working in collaboration with Assiteca, it has launched a welfare platform that assigns an annual premium of credits to each employee. The value of the premium is based on years of company seniority.

Credits can be used by choosing from a wide range of goods and services which improve the quality of life of employees and their families.

The offer includes, among others, health services and social security payments, a reimbursement area for interest on loans/mortgages and education expenses, different types of electronic vouchers, the possibility of booking trips, the purchase of tickets for spas and rehabilitation centres, amusement parks, cinemas, theatres and much more.

After the Mela d’Oro award for being "Work Life Balance Friendly" was obtained in June 2018, thanks to the Marisa Bellisario and Confindustria Foundation, the group is continuing its focus on its collaborators.

"We believe that workers are the real wealth of companies and an important goal of Transmec’s owners is that they work with serenity and receive valuable help with family spending plans," explains Franca Scagliarini, HR Manager, Transmec Italia.

"In parallel, in collaboration with KnowAndBe.Live (+ Knowledge - Fear), we are proposing a preventative path based on the knowledge and risks of the main oncological diseases, on how to prevent them through correct lifestyles and targeted diagnostic tests.”

By accessing courses on cancer prevention, with scientifically validated and customizable diagrams and digital content accessible online, the program aims to reduce fear and significantly expand the practices of prevention and access to cancer screening. It is the first digital education programme for companies and their employees.

“Finally, with a view to continually improving the internal climate, we are working to classify the résumés of potential future collaborators on the basis of a new vision that goes beyond classic academic information,” Franca Scagliarini adds.

“We will evaluate potential by also taking into account the positive attitude of the candidate, their predisposition to collaboration and training for a "happy" mind, sharing of experiences and interpersonal relationships, sensitivity to safety and respect for the working environment - in short a ‘Happiness Curriculum’.”

In the transport and logistics sector, Transmec is a state-of-the-art group committed to continuous investment in employees, providing incentives for training and careers.

The Montecchi family intends to extend the welfare policy to all the foreign companies of the group by creating an international solidarity network which benefits everyone.

Transmec premia la fedeltà dei propri collaboratori - Transmec Group